Sunday, March 25, 2007


The first is for whole wheat (and somewhat healthier) pancakes. I made it up the other day...and it worked. I thought they were delish.

1/2 cup white flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
3 tsp baking powder (I find this works at high altitude; for lower elevations?)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tblsp melted butter
1 cup "sour" milk (1 cup milk + 1 tblsp lemon juice)

Typically, I'd recommend one egg, but we were out of eggs so to the above I added:
1 tblsp flour
1 tblsp corn starch
1/2 tsp canola oil
2 tblsp milk

Mix the dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients. Don't overbeat-lumps are good. I served mine with toasted walnuts (for protein, fiber & omega-3 fats) and a little warmed apricot "simply fruit." Oh yes, and butter. Very, very tasty! Next time, I'll try leaving off the butter on top and using flax oil.

The 2nd is a recipe for book sales. Or at least according to a survey of 813 people by the ad agency Spier NY quoted in Publisher's Weekly and today's Denver Post, here's why people buy books:

49% friend's recommendation
45% familiarity with author
32% description on jacket
22% reviews
21% advertisements
17% placement on best-seller list
16% reading group pick
12% cover design

Obviously, this is a very interesting topic to me. What makes you buy a book?

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