The Denver Post is coming to take a picture of me working in my home office. It's for an article on home offices. Yes, folks, I will be working in jammies (though I have to confess much nicer jammies than usual). Speaking of jammies, take the new Pajama Gardener poll over by the links.
Since my office usually looks like this, this article has sparked quite the cleaning frenzy, though there are still piles and stacks could I survive without them? As I was cleaning, I unearthed the article on Cool Cat Billy, and it was like having a conversation with him. A takeaway:
"If people could get along and blend together in harmony like these musicians do, oh, man, would this be a great world to live in."
Papa, you're still the coolest cat I've ever known.
home office photo shoot. how fabulous! enjoy.
Sounds way more glam than it is. Especially since the photographer didn't show on time. These things happen. Now, we're booked for this afternoon.
Your desk looks a LOT like mine does. You have to make sure to alert us to when you'll be in the paper -- I get it, but I don't always read it every day and I'll need to cut the picture out and hang it with my other inspirational writer stuff :)
I think just about every writer's desk looks like that! I think it's supposed to run this Sunday, but I'll post a link when it's up. I'm so honored that you find this inspirational!
Very cool - a home shoot. I hope it went well and that your office clutter was left out!!!!
Hubby wanted me to show the clutter in all its glory. Keepin' it real, you know. But don't any good writer, I keep it real only in my writing.
The shoot took all of 5 minutes. The photographer was nice and she seemed to like the shots...we'll see!
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