Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy 11/11

See it?

For those who've read Orange Mint and Honey, you'll recall that Shay has a thing for numbers, especially special dates and times of day. For example, when she first awakens to find Nina Simone in her room, it's at 3:33 a.m. An interviewer at Essence magazine asked me why that time, and I didn't have a real reason. 3:33 is just the time that came to me. She was curious because 3:33 had become special to her after she started seeing 333 combinations after her grandfather passed away (right before we did the interview). Believe it or not, I didn't do any research about the number before I used it. I looked up the symbolism after she told me about her grandfather and learned that "the number 3 underlies all aspects of creation - mind, body and spirit; birth, life & death; past, present and future." (according to The Secret Life of Symbols by David Fontana) I think it fits my novel and maybe the interviewer's situation with her grandfather.

Shay got that little habit from me. I very much enjoy that today is 11/11 and I'm timing this post to hit at 11:11 a.m. I'm not a numerologist, but I can't describe what a joy that will be for me. (And can I just point out that those 4 11s add up to 08--cool huh?!) Crazy? Maybe, but makes for great material when I need, cough, "quirks" for my characters.

While typing this, I decided to google the meaning of 11:11 and I find that I am not alone. As of this moment, there are about 170,000,000 hits for the topic.

Enjoy! And here's to all those who have made great sacrifices for our country: Happy Veteran's Day and thank you!


Travis Erwin said...

So should I leave you eleven comments?

Lisa said...

Interesting! The number thing is much more interesting than a lock checker or obsessive stove checker.

Therese said...

I'm up with the threes business: the grandmother in REUNION is all about the spirituality of three.

Cool. :)

Carleen Brice said...

Travis, I salute you 11 times!

Lisa, I've got those obessions too, especial locks (also put to use in my novel).

Therese, Very cool. Can't wait to hear more!

jamey said...

my daddy's birthday is today: 11/11/33! i'm kinda a nut about numerology for someone not so good in math. i have secret favorite numbers all through my novel. and "a mercy" just came out today too.

Sustenance Scout said...

Jamey just reminded me of one of my favorite days of all time: 7/7/07, my dad's 77th birthday. Family from all over the country flew into Syracuse to help him celebrate. I'll never forget it!

As for 3:33 on Shay's clock, Carleen, I'm betting you were nudged/inspired to do that; funny how writing can open such pathways, isn't it?